Visa Credit Cards Will Work for Amazon in the U.K.
Amazon is now accepting payments made through Visa credit cards in the U.K. The company had announced that it won’t do so because Visa charges a very high processing fee. But now, both the companies are working on a solution together.
- Amazon was planning to stop accepting Visa credit cards in the United Kingdom (U.K.).
- Back in November 2021, Amazon had said that it is going to stop accepting payments made by a Visa card because of high payment processing charges.
- For now, Amazon customers in the U.K. can make transactions through their Visa cards.
Amazon was planning to stop accepting Visa credit cards in the United Kingdom (U.K.). But the e-commerce giant has pulled back from its plans of doing so and, in a statement to CNBC, said that it is working with Visa closely to work on a potential solution.
Back in November 2021, Amazon had said that it was going to stop accepting payments made by a Visa card because of high payment processing charges. Visa had said that it is very disappointed by the announcement from Amazon and will certainly work on a solution for the same. For now, Amazon customers in the U.K. can make transactions through their Visa cards.
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